
Perils 16. Wages And Maintenance

No claim shall be allowed, other than in general average, for wages and maintenance of the Master, Officers and Crew, or any member thereof, except when incurred solely for the necessary removal of the Vessel from one port to another…

Perils 17. Agency Commission

In no case shall any sum be allowed under this insurance either by way of remuneration of the Assured for time and trouble taken to obtain and supply information or documents or in respect of the commission or charges of…

Perils 18.2. Urepaired Damage –

In no case shall the Underwriters be liable for unrepaired damage in the event of a subsequent total loss (whether or not covered under this insurance) sustained during the period covered by this insurance or  any extension thereof.

Perils 20. Freight Waiver

FREIGHT WAIVER - In the event of total or constructive total loss no claim to be made by the Underwriters for freight whether notice of abandonment has been given or not.

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