Bedah Polis Asuransi Siber Bagian 36 – What is covered – 6 Media Liability

Apa itu Asuransi Siber?

Asuransi siber  atau risiko siber  adalah perlindungan asuransi yang dirancang secara khusus untuk melindungi bisnis Anda dari ancaman di era digital, seperti pencurian  data atau peretasan siber  berbahaya pada sistem komputer kerja.

Mengapa Anda membutuhkan Asuransi Siber ?

Di era digital seperti sekarang ini ancaman siber kini telah berubah menjadi masalah besar. Serangan siber  dapat menyebabkan, kegagalan bisnis, kegagalan transaksi bank, pemadaman listrik, kegagalan peralatan militer, dan pelanggaran rahasia keamanan perusahaan.

Tidak berlebihan untuk mengatakan bahwa ancaman siber  dapat mempengaruhi fungsi kehidupan  sehari-hari.

Bisnis apa saja yang membutuhkan asuransi siber?

Semua bisnis berpotensi terkenal resiko siber. Masalahnya “bukan bisa kena atau tidak terkena tapi masalah kapan waktunya serangan itu terjadi pada bisnis Anda”

Siapa yang membutuhkan Asuransi siber?

Semua perusahaan dan organisasi yang menggunakan aplikasi digital memerlukan asuransi ini. Perusahaan, kecil, menengah (UKM), perusahaan besar, organisasi sosial, yayasan Pendidikan, pemerintahan, lembaga lain serta perorangan.

Apakah ada penjelasan yang lengkap dari isi polis asuransi siber/asuransi cyber?

Terus terang tidaknya penjelasan yang bisa anda dapatkan. Tapi sebagai perusahaan broker asuransi dan konsultan asuransi profesional kami ingin membagikan pengetahuan dan penjelasan secara lengkap tentang isi polis asuransi siber untuk Anda.

Kami telah menyiapkan tulisan “Bedah Polis Asuransi Siber/Asuransi Cyber ” di website ini. Agar Anda bisa memahami secara lengkap dan utuh mohon ikuti seluruh judul yang ada di sebelah kanan tulisan ini.

Sebagai sumber tulisan, kami mengambil polis asuransi yang tersedia di website Hiscox: Cyber and Data Policy Wording (PDF)

Jika Anda tertarik dengan tulisan ini segera bagikan kepada rekan-rekan Anda agar mereka juga paham seperti Anda.


Original Wordings

What is covered

Your own losses

  1. Media liability

If during the period of insurance, and in the course of your business or advertising after the retroactive date within the geographical limits, any party brings a claim against you for any actual or alleged:

  1. infringement of any intellectual property rights;
  2. defamation, including libel, slander, trade libel, product disparagement or malicious falsehood; or
  3. negligent transmission of a virus;

which directly arises from the content of your email, intranet, extranet or website, including alterations or additions made by a hacker; we will indemnify you against the amount agreed by you and us through good faith negotiation, mediation, or some other form of alternative dispute resolution to settle a claim or the amount to satisfy a judgment or arbitration award against you, including any judgment or award ordering you to pay claimants’ lawyers’ fees and costs.

We will also pay defence costs, but we will not pay costs for any part of a claim not covered by this section.

Terjemahan Bebas

  1. Tanggung jawab media

Jika selama periode asuransi, dan dalam perjalanan bisnis atau iklan Anda setelah tanggal berlaku surut dalam batas geografis, pihak mana pun mengajukan klaim terhadap Anda untuk setiap aktual atau dugaan:

  1. pelanggaran hak kekayaan intelektual apa pun;
  2. pencemaran nama baik, termasuk fitnah, fitnah, fitnah perdagangan, penghinaan produk atau kepalsuan jahat; atau
  3. lalai penularan virus;

yang secara langsung muncul dari konten email, intranet, ekstranet atau situs web Anda, termasuk perubahan atau penambahan yang dilakukan oleh hacker; kami akan mengganti rugi Anda terhadap jumlah yang disepakati oleh Anda dan kami melalui negosiasi itikad baik, mediasi, atau bentuk alternatif lainnya penyelesaian sengketa untuk menyelesaikan klaim atau jumlah untuk memenuhi putusan atau putusan arbitrase terhadap Anda, termasuk penilaian atau penghargaan yang memerintahkan Anda untuk membayar biaya pengacara penuntut dan biaya.

Kami juga akan membayar biaya pertahanan, tetapi kami tidak akan membayar biaya untuk setiap bagian dari klaim yang tidak tercakup dengan bagian ini.


Penjelasan Tambahan

Asuransi tanggung jawab cyber untuk media dan profesional periklanan. Asuransi kewajiban cyber melindungi usaha kecil dari tingginya biaya pelanggaran data atau serangan perangkat lunak berbahaya. Ini mencakup biaya seperti pemberitahuan pelanggan, pemantauan kredit, biaya hukum, dan denda.

Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut dapat dilihat dari referensi di bawah ini. Kami juga sematkan link dari narasumber pada bagian akhir dari tulisan ini.


Media liability exposure: A growing risk in a digital world

All the world’s a stage, and all the businesses are “media” players. Today, almost every single company creates, produces, and/or markets content to clients. Whether they do so through traditional means like advertisements, articles, videos, photographs, and broadcasts, or they use newer avenues like social media, podcasts, and other web-based platforms, all companies that engage in any marketing and communication have media liability exposures.

Find out more: Learn everything you need to know about CNA here

Media liability insurance provides coverage against allegations of disparagement, libel, slander and copyright infringement as a result of errors, omissions and negligence in the gathering, creating and communication of an insured’s material. While traditional media companies in sectors like advertising, marketing, publishing and broadcasting may be equipped to understand and mitigate media liability risks, non-traditional firms (almost all other businesses) must also pay close attention to potential exposures like copyright infringement, defamation, and advertising injury.

Typically, companies carry media liability exposures in three key areas, according to Jennifer Schultz, Senior Underwriter, Specialty Lines, CNA. They’re exposed via their operations, their products, and their promotions.

Even seemingly innocent actions can lead to costly media liability lawsuits. For example, if an insured uses a photograph taken in front of a famous sports stadium for a print advertisement, that sports team could sue the insured for brand appropriation, especially if the advertisement creates the impression that the team is endorsing a particular product or message. Other common examples include trademark infringement claims if one company’s branding is too similar to another’s, false or misleading advertising, and plagiarism allegations tied to articles and blog posts.

With increasing online communication and dependence on social media interaction, many companies face new media exposures that can damage their brand. Schultz explained: “Today, we’re a global, small town. What I mean by that is, a statement can spread around the world with the same speed but with as little effort as if you were in your local coffee shop. It’s amplified word of mouth.

“Beyond how fast word travels is the growing number of available avenues for communication. It wasn’t that long ago when people expressed their opinions publicly through a letter to an editor. It might have been read by a small number of people, and everyone moved on. But today, there are websites, social media platforms, blogs, podcasts – all of these available avenues can be areas of opportunity, but also of risk.”

One way for companies to transfer their media risk is to purchase insurance. There are multiple ways for businesses (both traditional and non-traditional media companies) to access media liability insurance coverage. Traditionally, most companies have secured coverage via their commercial general liability (CGL) policies, which cover claims arising from certain intentional torts under personal and advertising injury liability coverage. In recent years, many non-traditional companies have opted to purchase media liability alongside their cyber liability policies or via modular insurance policies like CNA’s newly released Epack 3 for cyber, media, technology and professional liability.

Companies can also mitigate their exposures to media liability through strong risk management practices. With social media, for example, they should determine and implement a social media policy that defines acceptable usage, has appropriate controls in place over messaging and content, and has tried and tested takedown procedures and response mechanisms to deal with allegations.

As media liability exposures grow, underwriters are looking for companies that have incorporated these risk management best practices. Schultz told Insurance Business: “I always look at an insured’s understanding of their risk. Do they recognize how broad or narrow their media liability exposure is? Do they have reasonable checks and balances in place? These [mitigation measures] don’t have to cost a lot. Having a social media policy and incorporating that policy into regular employee training sessions can go a long way to remind employees of acceptable behaviours.

“We also look at whether companies are transferring risk appropriately. For instance, if they’re using an advertising agency, do their contracts with that agency require the agency to indemnify them? Are they securing evidence of appropriate insurance? These are general risk management techniques that companies out there do for property, casualty, cyber, and all of the other types of insurance – and they can apply that to their media liability exposures as well.”

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan Asuransi Siber/Cyber Insurance?

Asuransi siber/Cyber Insurance adalah asuransi jenis baru. Tidak banyak perusahaan asuransi yang mempunyai produk asuransi ini di Indonesia.

Luas jaminan yang diberikan juga belum banyak yang tahu padahal kini ia menjadi kebutuhan yang sangat penting.

Lalu bagaimana cara mendapatkannya?  Untuk mendapatkan jaminan asuransi ini Anda perlu bantuan dan bimbingan dari ahli asuransi. Ahli asuransi yang tepat adalah perusahaan Broker asuransi adalah konsultan asuransi yang berada di pihak Anda.

L&G Insurance Broker adalah perusahaan broker asuransi terkemuka di Indonesia. Untuk semua kebutuhan asuransi Anda hubungi L&G sekarang juga!
